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Do what you need to succeed, not what invested parties say localisation should look like

Every localisation manager and service provider will tell you what exactly is needed to make localisation a success.


No localisation expert will tell you why they can’t measure localisation success with business metrics that make sense.


Want localisation that delivers the results you need instead of addressing cultural nuances of your target locale?

ve got courses to help you get started. 


How can we best structure localisation to support our international expansion?


Will localisation management best practices give the answer? Go research them, map out the process, and you’ll see a bottleneck – the localisation team.


But you’ll find your answer if you uncover your localisation needs and develop a strategy to meet them. Learn how in this course.


What experience should we look for when hiring a localisation manager? 


It doesn’t really matter if you want localisation success to be measured with translation-related metrics. 


Before hiring anyone, get clarity on what localisation should achieve and the capabilities you lack. Localisation manager might not be the role you need.


We want our content localised, but it just sounds translated. What should we do?


You don’t want to end up spending $275 per hour on translation coordination services from leading localisation solutions providers to get this result.


You can easily do what they fail to deliver and save your company $1M per year. This course will teach you how.

Still want to implement localisation management best practices?

Experts on managerial decision-making say best practices shouldn’t be trusted


They overlook failures, context-specific circumstances and opportunities. And they are based on anecdotal evidence, which makes results impossible to reproduce.


I can help you uncover what could go (or is going) wrong and establish management practices to drive the results you need – given your company’s and team’s unique situation and objectives.

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